

Professional Psychic, Channel, & Medium

Essays by Liah


On one level we are divine beings aware of our brightest selves, and on another level we are humble humans trying to figure out what the best course in life is to take. Oftentimes we get stuck in old patterns rather than accessing our divine guidance. These old patterns lead us toward making unhealthy decisions that not only distance us from our purpose and higher selves, but damage our health and well-being as well. Our work is to discover and accept all the parts of ourselves, and seek help in shifting out of old patterns. Doing this empowers us to make healthy choices, choices which further enable us to love our humanness while drawing closer to our divinity.

Each of us has a sense of what is healthy, but we don't always follow it, living in denial of the consequences of our actions. We tell ourselves it's ok to eat these greasy fries now because we’ll work them off at the gym later. Occasional indulgence is fine, but unhealthy choices made regularly can be devastating. The high cholesterol level or weight gain directly opposes the healthy body the gym visits are designed to create. Perhaps eating fried foods represented feeling loved and special as a kid. Now the subconscious urge to eat fried food clouds the mind's ability to make a healthy choice, like eating carrots or celery instead, and the long-term effects are dismissed. Not only do we suffer the physical impact, but we are often further saddled with guilt, shame, and self-judgment for doing this to ourselves.

When the pain of our unhealthy choices gets strong enough, evidenced by a health crisis, emotional break-down, or financial collapse, we become more willing to make healthier choices. We are forced to move out of denial and into acceptance of the situation, and to begin implementing healthier actions. Rev. Deborah Johnson says, “Pain pushes until vision pulls.” In yogic philosophy, pain is one of the most common reasons for people to seek enlightenment. When I went through a very painful divorce, I joined a yoga community and meditated with a fervor that I had never known before. The pain pushed me deeper into my soul self.

When we are able to let go of judgment about our negative or unconscious behavior, and instead have compassion and love for ourselves, we are able to then ask for help from others. This step helps us break the cycle of denial and make better choices. This is where Weight Watchers, 12 Step groups, or private healing sessions can help. Keep in mind that unhealthy acts done in secret are much harder to change or treat, because the ego does not want to be found out for being less than perfect and will continue its old behaviors. Stepping forward to ask for help takes tremendous courage, and offers tremendous benefit in return.

It takes awareness, acceptance, and action to break free from old patterns and implement a new way of being. First we have to see what we’ve been doing to ourselves, how we’ve allowed old patterns to dominate and distort. Then we must accept ourselves without self-judgment. Finally we can step forward and ask for help. Maui is rich with healers of all types. Seek support in untangling the patterns that keep you making unhealthy, self-sabotaging decisions. It feels wonderful to move out of pain, embrace your humanness, and celebrate your divinity by making healthy choices.

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