As the year end and you reflect on your goals and visions, consider what you would do if your life suddenly changed dramatically and irreparably. Suppose you awoke one morning and your sight was gone. How would you then approach your life?
A few years ago, a massage client walked into my therapy room with her Seeing Eye dog, a golden lab named Chip. She smiled widely and asked if Chip could lie under the table during her treatment. She was a beautiful woman of 50 years, with a peaceful presence that set me at ease as I helped her onto the table. During the session, she told me that she had recently gone blind from an ocular disease. She explained that she had been very successful in the corporate world, and that now she was learning to live a whole new life without sight.
I was so touched by her enthusiasm for life. Here she was, having gone completely blind, and she was radiating a deep inner joy, something which she had been too busy to cultivate before. She told me how her family relations had deepened and how she had become more intuitive and calm.
How much of your day is spent thinking about how things look- like your home, car, appearance? What about the ways you obsess about how you’re viewed by others? What if you suddenly saw that none of that matters?
Without outer sight to validate our reality, we are left with the great inner voice of our Being.
As we take time to ponder the old year and welcome in the new, let’s open our inner sight and sensitivity. Free of the small concerns that can so easily block our vision, we might find new and enriching ways of moving deeper into our lives, and loving what we see there.