

Professional Psychic, Channel, & Medium

Essays by Liah


As a psychic/channel that now lives on Maui I have had the opportunity of doing readings for people from all corners of the world.  Maui’s beauty and magic draw people to her quietude and splendor. They come for many reasons. They come for renewal, adventure, fun and spiritual quests. They are welcomed with the “Spirit of Aloha”.

This “Spirit of Aloha” is a subtle force that permeates the society. It is felt in the warm glow of the sunsets, the gentle warm waves of the ocean and the soft sound of the forest floor as you walk through it. There is friendliness in the people who live on Maui and peacefulness in nature that invites a person to slow down and relax and enjoy the present moment.

Maui is unique in that it attracts visitors from everywhere. It is a community of many colors and nationalities. There is some natural- born Hawaiian residents who carry the message of “Aloha” to the wide mix of visitors. There are also transplanted folk who have lived on Maui for quite some time who have adopted the “Spirit of Aloha” in their views. They portray a “laid back” type of attitude that says “appreciate this moment and take in all the beauty and grace there is and enjoy life while you can.”

According to the “Little Book of Aloha” by Renata Provenzano, “Aloha” means many things. It is a term used throughout the Hawaiian Islands with the meaning of “hello” “goodbye”, “I love you” and “welcome”. Ms. Provenzano goes on to say that “Aloha is a warm embrace between loved ones. It is the meeting and greeting of one’s spirit with another. It is the sharing of life energy.”  This is the magic that touches people and creates a community of loving individuals. It is exhibited in the ceremonies, dances, songs and chants and the day in and day out living on Maui.

This Maui magic of “Aloha” helps to heal people from their busy, fast paced lives regardless of where they are from. I have heard it said that people come to Maui to heal. They may not even know why they have been brought to the island but ultimately healing happens. I remember when I moved to Maui a year ago I was recovering from a chronic case of ‘work-a-holism’. My hectic pace was so out of step with Maui. I had to learn to relax and “trust the flow” and get comfortable with stores and banks opening late and events starting 20-30 minutes after the scheduled time.

This attitude of time being less important leaves room for more connection to one another and to nature. I have seen bumper stickers that read “Slow down, this ain’t the mainland”

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