My inner child revels in the bright red hearts and boxes of chocolates that line the shelves before Valentine’s Day. This holiday, although heralded as a Hallmark work of genius, is actually a very special day. How often do children get to tell their classmates or teachers how much they care? Although the main focus is on romantic love, and surely Victoria Secret makes a killing this day too, there is a deeper meaning intertwined in all the gushy cards and gooey chocolates. The message is one of love. Flowers, dinners, poems and candlelight may seem cheesy to some, but they signify a holy love ritual. Our culture is nearly devoid of sacred ceremonies, let’s keep this one alive. Let’s also celebrate love in all the varied forms that it manifests and remember that Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to reach out beyond our selves and say “I love you”. In truth, we are bowing to the Divine. So give the gift of an open heart today and let a red heart and a chocolate say “I love you”