Sometimes in life we have to wait to see results. I suppose that is why gardening is not my favorite thing to do! When gardening, we have to be patient to witness the seeds sprout and reach for the sky. This patience also requires faith in the unseen process of growth beneath the soil where the seeds are planted. As I mature, I am noticing a willingness to allow my life to unfold naturally and more patiently. I have learned to trust that the seeds of dreams I planted years ago are germinating and growing, whether I can see the results, or not. As a mother of four grown children, I reflect back on the years of hard work and guidance I gave to my kids. Years later, I see my children contributing to the world in positive ways and nurturing their own children. We don’t always get to see the results of our work until years later. Perhaps, I am feeling optimistic today, because I am looking for what is right in my world and I am seeing it! Faith in the unseen carries me through the barren times of winter and allows me to trust in the promise of spring. I am wishing you all the blessings of a bountiful Spring !