

Professional Psychic, Channel, & Medium

Essays by Liah


Greetings, Beloved Ones. We are here to help you remember that you are Love. All else is illusion. So, when you come to this place of quiet inside, relax, let go and feel. There is no need to think or figure anything out. Your essence is beyond time and space and words.

Ah….. Breathe deeply.
Let go….. Be here in this glorious moment of eternity.
Now….. Remember, remember the truth of who you are.
You are the air, the chair, the room, the vibration of life.
Now…. Let it go…..
You are all and you are nothing.
Just be…..allow yourself to be more fully who you are.
No judgments, just a deep resonance of Love.

So, what are we here to teach? What is there to learn? Only Love. When you release the past and surrender to the moment, all that is left is Love. The future is glorious. Know this to be true. As you experience yourself as Love, more and more of your destiny will unfold in a very magical and spontaneous way. No more will you have to explain every detail of every event in your life. You will be guided.

But first, there is a willingness to go into the stillness. To reside in the quiet of your heart center, to be. From this place comes the wisdom of the ages. From this place comes all truth and knowing. So…..STOP…..SLOW DOWN…..BREATHE.

We are here to practice going deep inside. Let yourself have this experience. Truly, there is nothing to hold onto. No image or practice or thought of yourself comes close to the reality of your being. So, don’t try to understand and make knowingness come – just be as you are in the moment and let the miracle of you shine through. Love is easy. Trying to love is hard, feel the difference. Do not seek to love outside yourself. It will always elude you, like a seed blowing in the wind.

Instead, be still and feel the love in yourself, so powerful, so true. No where to go, but here. If there is pain, feel the pain. No need to change anything. We repeat – No need to change anything. For it is in the acceptance that love comes. Accept your confusions, your questions, your hurts. This is all part of the perfect plan of existence. There is no ‘right’ way. Go deeper into yourself, whatever is there. Do not run away from yourself in search of peace. Come home to the self, rest easy in your heart.

Blessings to you beloved sisters, brothers of the light. The work you do on yourselves is never wasted. Always, you grow in your ability to love, to be a clear channel for God’s Love. You already are. You first need to get the mind out of the way.

Peace, Peace, Peace. Keep up your spiritual practice. Your shining essence will burn through all illusion. Let yourself be like a beautiful, polished apple; shining and glossy, full of life and vitality, with gifts to give the world.

Rejoice! Om! Namaste!

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"I am here to help you remember your soul's calling"

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