

Professional Psychic, Channel, & Medium

Essays by Liah


Through my practice as a psychic/channel these past 17 years, I have learned that being in nature is absolutely essential to my inner health. In my daily work doing readings I spend a lot of time in a deeply meditative state, disconnected from my physical body. Going out into the natural world helps me ground back down into my physical body and allows me to clear energies out of my auric field. The loving and peaceful vibrations from the earth and the ocean recharge my system.

Over the years, as my practice has grown, so has my need to connect with nature.  I find that if I don’t balance having enough time in nature with my work that I may feel grumpy or energetically depleted.

I walk early every morning, every evening and sometimes under the starry sky late at night. When I walk on the earth I am connecting with the vibration of Mother Earth. I have learned that the earth vibrates at a frequency of 7.8 megahertz which is the same frequency as the Alpha brain wave frequency. This slow rate is conducive to deep relaxation. On my walks I feel my body and mind attune to this peaceful frequency.

While I'm outside, I imagine a strong grounding cord going down to the center of the earth and connecting me to infinite peace and a sense of being rooted and safe. I use this same grounding cord to release anything that I feel is not beneficial for myself. This could be feelings of worry or frustration or tiredness or fatigue or a sense of other people’s energy in my field. I always feel revitalized and more centered after my walks.

Being in the forest or by the ocean is also an excellent time to meditate or pray. I am reminded by the vastness and beauty of nature to connect with my own inner essence and to a larger universe. Walking through nature encourages openness of mind and an appreciation of the magnificence of creation. My prayers and mediations become more firmly rooted in my body as I walk with them.

Whatever work you do, no matter how much or little time you may have, I highly recommend taking a walk outside every day. Every minute you spend will allow you to connect with yourself and with the tremendous gifts of this beautiful place.

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