

Professional Psychic, Channel, & Medium

Essays by Liah


I envision my guides and angels as radiant beings of light, and I believe they see us in the same way.  They may also see us flicker with varying intensities based on our emotional response to experience.

I imagine if we are in situations where we are fulfilling our purpose and satisfying our desires, our hearts light up and grow more brilliant.  If we aren’t getting what we think we want or serving our purpose, though, our inner light must cloud over.

Our angels watch us stumble through our lives and may, for fun, keep score of our overall luminosity.  They might say, “Well, last week Liah averaged and 8.5 lightness of being, but this week she dropped to a 7.8. We have to encourage her to have more of a sense of humor.”

They whisper in our ears when our light gets too dim, making suggestions for lightening up.  My angels have said to me when my light is low to offer acts of service.  This has included babysitting a friend’s child, giving a massage to a person in need, or spontaneously taking a friend to lunch. I always feel better when I shift my focus from my trouble to helping someone else.  I expect my angles are watching my aura shine a pretty pink and golden hue as I cuddle my friend’s two-year-old girl.

If we could look at ourselves from the perspective of our angels and higher selves, we would see that we are just as radiant as the highest saint or spiritual teacher.  We are all glorious, shining, beings of light.  The challenge is for us to polish ourselves so that our radiance can glow ever more brightly, in one another eyes.  We can help each other remember that inner radiance is not something that comes and goes, or is dependent upon getting what you want, but is with us always.

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