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Essays by Liah


We live in a world that has become grossly unbalanced. Consider that actors and athletes get paid exorbitantly for work that contributes to the mass consciousness of violence and competition, while school teachers and social workers struggle to make ends meet as they contribute to the betterment of our society.
Politicians who cry for war are re-elected. The unhealthy aspects of the masculine principles of power and aggression are rewarded while the healthy feminine quality of nurturing is devalued. This is not something we can afford in a world dying from lack of connection, community, and consciousness.
But wonderfully, an uprising is afoot, heralded by the Divine feminine principle and the healthy aspects of the Divine male coming into harmony with one another. The union of these energies will heal this unbalance and put heart and soul into culture, and personal lives.
This revolution calls for cooperation, not competition. The beauty of the Divine feminine principle is that the whole is honored rather than the segments or parts. When we separate anything from ourselves, we lose an intrinsic sense of oneness and thus disconnect from the pain and suffering of others. This contributes to the unconscious rape of our natural resources and the indifference to the global condition of humanity, particularly to the innocent children of the world and to the women who are oppressed.
The healthy masculine principle is meant to be protective, strong and providing, able to solve problems and get things done. When this aspect is in harmony with the healthy feminine principle of nurturing, feeling and creating, there is a synthesis of balance. This balance allows one to move through life with both their intuition and their intellect intact. The rationality of the left brain works with the intuition of the right brain to create a holistic matrix of decision and action.
We all carry both masculine and feminine principles and it worthwhile that we reflect on how we’re nurturing and expressing each of those sides. Historically the masculine has ruled with violence, whether on the battle or sporting field. As we witness and participate in the uprising of the feminine, we will see a new world emerge. Heart-felt communication will resolve conflict, fierceness and gentleness will both be honored and will both contribute to growth and prosperity, shared by all. Feelings, visions and hunches will be given a place of recognition in all decision making endeavors from personal to political matters.
In a world in balance, non-violence will rule over violence. Rather than football, sports like Aikido - intended by its founder to create peace and “make the world one family” -will dominate. Music, like John Lennon’s song “Feed the World,” will continue to touch and inspire others, bridging countries and people for a common cause.
Religion, politics, education and employment will shift from a hierarchical structure to one of unity, cooperation and mutual respect. Women and children around the globe will be given their birthrights of freedom, justice, the pursuit of happiness and abundance on all levels.
An uprising is happening and you are a part of it! Inventory your life and see where you can bring more balance of the healthy feminine and masculine principles into it. Now is the time to come back into balance and remember to put your heart and soul and nurturing into all you do in your personal and professional life, politics and culture, and community.

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