

Professional Psychic, Channel, & Medium

Essays by Liah


Generally I am an extremely positive person who feels connected to Universal wisdom and love.  However, I recently passed through what I would define as a “Spiritual Emergency”. The symptoms of this are: losing faith in your inner guidance; becoming anxious and irritable; questioning your direction in life; and feeling disconnected from Spirit.  For me, it was an intense 24-hour period.  On the other side of it I can reflect on what helped me through as well as what caused it.

The best remedy for coping with lack of faith in myself was to have a warm and trusting friend who lovingly reminded me that it would all be OK.  One thing my friend said was, “this too will pass”. When it seemed everything I knew had abandoned me, there was tremendous value in being reminded that I’m loved.

The next solution I found was to have a session with a practitioner who works with “moving energy”. The session relaxed me and allowed me to remember the peace that is within me. My breathing became deeper and my trust returned. The negative energy was transmuted into positive energy

After experiencing these medicines, I called a few friends and asked them to pray for me. I then spent time in meditation and restful refection. I read inspiring words of great teachers. In this space I reflected on the past month.  I saw that I had been working to much, not taking care of my basic need for sleep, and eating too much sugar and not enough healthy food.  I now understand this emergency was my Higher Self calling me to “clean up my act”.

I am grateful for the shake-up my ego received. My moment-to-moment connection to Source is stronger, and I feel more accountable for my state of being.

Spirit connection is our very nature and the ground of our well-being. A loss of this awareness, while traumatic, is truly a gift.  It’s a chance to take a hard look at our behavior and attitude and make the necessary changes to live a balanced, meaningful life.

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