

Professional Psychic, Channel, & Medium

Essays by Liah


Today was a magical day of transformation for me bringing me closer to my universal nature. It all began as I was walking along the beach at sunrise, looking into the sky, and thinking about the deep inner change of personal transformation. And as I looked into the sky throughout the day, it continued to speak deeply to me about the nature of transformation.

What does inner transformation mean in how a person lives their life? I reflected on friends who I considered to be positively transformed. All of them had developed some sort of relationship with the Divine. Some of them had found recovery from addictions through working the 12 steps of recovery anonymous groups, some through deep mediation, some through various processes of stretching their beliefs. A characteristic difference that is tangible to me with these people is they seem happier now than before their shift in perspective. They are now living their lives with a sense of faith. They also seem to live their lives with a sense of purpose that is beyond the realm of personal gain. It seems their source of happiness changed from looking externally for satisfaction to seeking it within.

Before this quantum shift in perspective these people were often caught in being self-centered or manipulative or driven by their addiction. After the shift they could hear the guidance of their soul or Higher self. They are more content within themselves, more caring of others and more accepting of what life brings. Through the process of surrendering ourselves to being connected to the Divine Source of all, we let go of our little personal identity and became one with the Infinite. This merging in consciousness and surrender allows us to change at a very deep level of our being. There is a profound letting go of the need to control life, and what it brings and we develop a faith in the goodness of life regardless of how it appears.

This surrender to a Higher presence that we call God, Spirit, Soul Essence or however else we wish to address the Infinite is truly the key to a loving and peaceful life. All the little personal issues and phases are like clouds passing through the sky and rather than identify with them we can let them drift on while offering our awareness something deeper.

As I watched the clouds throughout the day, they continued to change their patterns. They were pink at sunrise, then white and fluffy in the afternoon, darkening to layers of gray and finally returning to pink at sunset before being lost in the stars. Personal life is like those shifting patterns of clouds, but the essence of who we are more like the sky: ever present and infinite in nature. The most amazing transformation is possible when we make that surrender into the Divine All.

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