by Liah Howard






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What is channeling and how does one develop their ability to channel? Can anybody channel? These are some of the most commonly asked questions about channeling. I teach Channeling and intuitive development classes to help people access their inner wisdom and messages from guides. In these classes people learn to trust their intuitive knowing and receive messages from their guides. Let’s start with understanding what channeling is.

Channeling is the process of shifting one’s focus from the finite to the infinite. One becomes less and less identified with the body, mind and emotions and more and more aware of their connection with Universal Consciousness. Through putting aside the personal ego and welcoming in and opening up to infinite wisdom and love a person becomes a channel or a conduit for the Divine. You might think of the process as similar to that of a pile of salt in a glass to which water is added. The salt represents the personal consciousness and the water represents universal consciousness. The water dissolves the salt and becomes changed. When the two elements are joined there is created a new substance, salt water. The quality of the personal is still there but it has changed or been transformed by the universal. There is no longer any individual separation and identification. The Divine has taken over. As a person opens up more and more to their deep inner guidance and the messages from their guides they too become an expression of universal consciousness.

This expression of the Divine through channeling can take many varied forms. Some people channel healing energy. Others channel songs or poetry or art. Still others channel messages of insp